Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Take On It-Tuesdays

Kari at Giveaway Addicted Mommy has begun a bloggy carnival. She is doing "My Take On It-Tuesday's". So I have decided to play along. Her first topic... Jessica Simpson.
I have always liked Jessica Simpson. I think she is beautiful and entertaining, even though she's a little on the ditsy side. Unfortunately when she agreed to do a reality show she set herself up to be scrutinized, even if it was 4 years ago.
As for the recent comments about her weight game... oh how I wish I was so unlucky to be as "fat" as her. Its funny how one bad fashion choice turned her into a chunky monkey. Kate Moss would look as if she weight 100 lbs (as apposed to 85) in those pants.
So what have we learned from this... Just say "No" to high waist pants and reality shows.
That's MY Take On IT!


  1. You are too funny!

    Also every time I come to your site, it looks different. Do you have Bloggy ADD?

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